Ancient Athens 3D was created in order to present the monuments and buildings of Athens from the Mycenaean period (1600 BC) to the Early Modern period (AD 1833), through 3D reconstructions.

The website was created by Dimitris Tsalkanis as a personal project back in 2008, with some first experimental models of the Acropolis and the Agora made in late 2007. Since its first year of operation, the site has received a positive response, which has allowed for the creation of the second and more complete version, as well as the refinement of many models and the addition of new ones. Many of the buildings were created in 3D for the first time in this project.
The reconstructions presented herein, are basically artistic reconstructions. Just like every other form of monument reconstruction, it is practically impossible to achieve 100% accuracy of the reality. Nevertheless, there has been a great effort to create these reconstructions according to the published archaeological and architectural scientific publications, in order to be as close to reality as possible (and much as the technology permits this). This is done with the help of the Greek and international bibliography which is being constantly renewed as new finds come to light.
The website layout since 2008
How to support Ancient Athens 3D
As technology evolves, and with the ever-expanding experience, there is a constant effort to improve the content and the 3D models, as much as spare time and budget allow.
Ancient Athens 3d was created and continues to function as a hobby, without any funding, solely by my own means. Those who have at times contributed with their knowledge or advice, have done it for free and I am really grateful to them. If you want to help in the conservation, maintenance and renewal of this page, you can contribute in many ways:- with a PayPal donation of any amount you want
- by becoming a patron through Patreon
- by becoming a member on Ancien Athens 3D YouTube channel